Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Century Mark: 100 Posts of Steel Squadron

Not a bad milestone.  I wanted to do something special for the 100th post, so instead of discussion of terrible half-baked ideas on ships or objectives, I'm going to dedicate this post to thanking everyone that has allowed me the chance to make this blog, and play the game that I enjoy.

Drawbridge Games - Local Scene for Armada

First, I have to thank my girlfriend, who patiently and graciously puts up with me playing a game she doesn't particularly enjoy multiple times a week (though I do a lot of the writing on my days off, or at work on my down time).  Between this, my odd work hours, and volunteer time, I don't quite know how she puts up with me sometimes.  Thanks Sam!

I also want to thank my local gaming group.  The venue we've been playing (Drawbridge Games) has been exceptionally welcoming to Armada, and it's let us grow from just 2 players back in July to a respectable community.  The owner, Rico, is an excellent ambassador for traditional board games of all types, and frankly it's one of the friendliest places I've ever played.  If you are in the Pittsburgh area, don't be afraid to check it out.

I'd also be amiss if I didn't mention the regular players of my gaming group:  Chris, Dave, Sean, and Chuck are all great guys, who exemplify the "fly casual" gaming mentality that some of us brought over when we came from X-Wing.  Without them, we wouldn't have the core that let us build up the community that we have.

But I've also got to thank the online community that continues to drive the game forward as well.  Lyraeus of Armada Tactics News, Shmitty of Concentrate Fire, Truthiness of You Can't Handle the Truthiness, Armada Jim the new Fire When Ready podcast, HERO of HERO's Blog, and the Intensify Forward Firepower crew all add to the collective knowledge of the game on a regular basis.  Even when we disagree about conclusions that we draw about the nature and meta of the game, no one can deny that it is because of our collective passion for the game.

For that matter the group of us on the FFG forum that have been participating in Vassal games and tournaments, and getting the chance to play Armada with people on the other side of the world.  Doobleg, my regular Australian tournament POD opponent.  Ransburger and Green Knight for working on making the Vassal Module themselves.  Cubanboy for reminding us exactly when it becomes Friday.  Clontroper5 and JJs Juggernaut for some tactical chats.  And all the rest of you that keep the FFG Forums Armada a thriving community.

And finally, and certainly not least, a big thank you to all of you, my regular readers, because without you I wouldn't be putting out content of questionable accuracy.  Especially to my regular commentators, classic40k and Mundo, who always seem to pop up to give me feedback, and tell me what mistakes I haven't proofread well enough.

Thanks to each and every one of you for making it 100 posts!  Here's to another 100 more!


  1. Haha, thanks to you Biggs. Keep up the good work! I enjoy your advice and thoughts on the range of topics. A particular highlight for me was the article on obstacle placement - a real game changer for me. (Literally)

  2. Great work - keep it up :)

  3. +1 since I was mentioned :P

    I'm up for tactical chats anytime :D

  4. Great Blog, I only recently discovered you but I have read nearly every article you've written in one week! I'm usually on the FFG looking for ideas to take to me tiny local. Love the game, Love your blog.

  5. Thanks for every thing you do! I check this site almost everyday and it's been a great resource for me and my friends who are just starting out.
