Wednesday, March 22, 2017

New Writer! - Shmitty

The Steel Squadron is pleased to welcome our first writer that isn't Biggs.  The Neil Degrasse Tyson to my Bill Nye.  The Peanut Butter to my Miracle Whip.  You know him, you love him, and he writes things using facts and logic!  It's Shmitty!

Yep, like Voltron everything is better the more you hook up....   wait, that's awkward. 
Let's try this.  Biggs has been an amazing contributor to the Armada community since the beginning.  I'm excited to add my voice to his blog.  My attention has been divided lately and I haven't been giving my blog the time it deserves.  So, you can still expect me to track Regionals Data, post battle reports, and make the occasional tactics video.  You'll just now find it in a new place.  The Concentrate Fire blog will stick around so the old content will be there, but the new stuff will be on Bigg's amazing blog. 

Excited to be here.