Saturday, January 28, 2017

POD #3 - Advancing Lists (Green Knight / Miedomeda)

More familiar names advance on to the elimination rounds out of POD #3.

Green Knight - Return of the Vader,  WC 2017

Points: 395/400

[ flagship ] Imperial II-Class Star Destroyer (120 points)
-  Darth Vader  ( 36  points)
-  Avenger  ( 5  points)
-  Agent Kallus  ( 3  points)
-  Gunnery Team  ( 7  points)
-  Quad Laser Turrets  ( 5  points)
-  Electronic Countermeasures  ( 7  points)
-  X17 Turbolasers  ( 6  points)
= 189 total ship cost

Gladiator II-Class Star Destroyer (62 points)
-  Demolisher  ( 10  points)
-  Skilled First Officer  ( 1  points)
-  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
-  Engine Techs  ( 8  points)
-  Assault Proton Torpedoes  ( 5  points)
= 90 total ship cost

Raider-I Class Corvette (44 points)
-  Instigator  ( 4  points)
-  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
-  Assault Proton Torpedoes  ( 5  points)
= 57 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
-  Suppressor  ( 4  points)
-  Comms Net  ( 2  points)
= 29 total ship cost

1 Ciena Ree ( 17 points)
1 Valen Rudor ( 13 points)

Green Knight shows up dominating POD #3 with his fighter light list - 4 activations and 5 deployments plus a smaller than average 395 bid means it isn't very subtle, but so far no one has been able to find a way to deal with it.  With a tournament high 27 points in the POD round, he has slashed his way into the eliminations and a matchup against the runner up of POD #6.

His Heavy Hitters are an ISDII Avenger, geared for a combination of anti-fighter Flak and damage with Darth Vader, as well as a Demolisher II - though geared traditionally, and an Instigator Raider, again not specificially geared towards Flak.  A lone Suppressor fills out his list, escorting in Ciena Ree and Valen Rudor - cheap anti-squadron fighters for him to delay with.

Will this be enough to keep him going as the elimination heats up?  Stay tuned to find out!

Miedomeda - Imperial  List

Total Points:  389 / 400

Arquitens-class Light Cruiser (54 points)
-  Hand of Justice  ( 4  points)
-  Captain Needa  ( 2  points)
-  Turbolaser Reroute Circuits  ( 7  points)
= 67 total ship cost

Raider-I Class Corvette (44 points)
-  Impetuous  ( 4  points)
-  Agent Kallus  ( 3  points)
-  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
-  Assault Proton Torpedoes  ( 5  points)
= 60 total ship cost

Gladiator I-Class Star Destroyer (56 points)
-  Demolisher  ( 10  points)
-  Skilled First Officer  ( 1  points)
-  Ordnance Experts  ( 4  points)
-  Engine Techs  ( 8  points)
-  Assault Proton Torpedoes  ( 5  points)
= 84 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
-  Slicer Tools  ( 7  points)
= 30 total ship cost

[ flagship ] Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
-  Admiral Ozzel  ( 20  points)
= 43 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
-  Comms Net  ( 2  points)
= 25 total ship cost

1 Valen Rudor ( 13 points)
1 "Mauler" Mithel ( 15 points)
1 "Howlrunner" ( 16 points)
1 Dengar ( 20 points)
2 TIE Fighter Squadrons ( 16 points)

Not counting Green Knight, Miedo had himself a very good run of his POD oppopnents, and slips in as the runner up.  His list is an Ozzel based swarm, with 6 activations and 9 deployments to get the heavy hitting Demolisher into prime position.  Supporting Demolisher is a TRC Arquitens with Needa, and a multi-purpose Raider, as well as 3 different Gozantis.  One has gone Slicer Tools, another Comms Net, and the last is a lifeboat for ol' Ozzel himself.  His 389 bid is relatively high, but not completely out of the park like some other first player or bust strategists.

For squadrons, he has gone anti-fighter heavy, taking Valen Rudor, Dengar, Mithel, Howl, and a pair of TIEs to try and farm and delay any bomber heavy build from approach without them taking heavy casualties.

He will personally be up against Caribbean Ninja of POD #6.


  1. Replies
    1. And ME!
      Oh boy, what are we gonna do with all the hot chicks that come with popularity?

  2. This is going to sound totally noob, but what does POD stand for?

    1. It doesn't actually stand for anything. It is a grouping of 4 players who all round robin their games
