Thursday, February 8, 2018

Elimination Round- Captain Weather vs Karneck

Only two more previews left.  Truthiness was supposed to write this one but he's been slacking, so this is Biggs writing on his behalf.

Captain Weather

Points: 400/400 

[ flagship ] MC75 Armored Cruiser (104 points)
-  General Dodonna  ( 20  points)
-  Lando Calrissian  ( 4  points)
-  Quad Laser Turrets  ( 5  points)
-  Electronic Countermeasures  ( 7  points)
-  Leading Shots  ( 4  points)
-  External Racks  ( 3  points)
= 147 total ship cost

CR90 Corvette A (44 points)\
-  Jainas Light  ( 2  points)
-  Turbolaser Reroute Circuits  ( 7  points)
= 53 total ship cost

GR-75 Medium Transports (18 points)
-  Bright Hope  ( 2  points)
-  Toryn Farr  ( 7  points)
= 27 total ship cost

GR-75 Combat Retrofits (24 points)
-  Ahsoka Tano  ( 2  points)
-  Comms Net  ( 2  points)
= 28 total ship cost

GR-75 Combat Retrofits (24 points)\
-  Quantum Storm  ( 1  points)
-  Hondo Ohnaka  ( 2  points)
= 27 total ship cost

1 ""Dutch"" Vander ( 16 points)
2 YT-1300s ( 26 points)
2 HWK-290s ( 24 points)
1 Gold Squadron ( 12 points)
4 Y-Wing Squadrons ( 40 points)
Squadron Total = 118 points


Sloane VSD V3 (World)
Points: 395/400

[ flagship ] Victory II-Class Star Destroyer (85 points)
-  Admiral Sloane  ( 24  points) 
-  Warlord  ( 8  points) 
-  Minister Tua  ( 2  points) 
-  Gunnery Team  ( 7  points) 
-  Disposable Capacitors  ( 3  points) 
-  Reinforced Blast Doors  ( 5  points) 
-  H9 Turbolasers  ( 8  points) 
-  Leading Shots  ( 4  points) 
= 146 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
-  Comms Net  ( 2  points) 
= 25 total ship cost

Gozanti-class Cruisers (23 points)
= 23 total ship cost

Quasar Fire I-class Cruiser-Carrier (54 points)
-  Pursuant  ( 2  points) 
-  Skilled First Officer  ( 1  points) 
-  Flight Controllers  ( 6  points) 
-  Boosted Comms  ( 4  points) 
= 67 total ship cost

1 Dengar ( 20 points) 
3 TIE Interceptor Squadrons ( 33 points) 
1 Maarek Steele ( 21 points) 
1 Colonel Jendon ( 20 points) 
1 ""Howlrunner"" ( 16 points) 
1 ""Mauler"" Mithel ( 15 points) 
1 Black Squadron ( 9 points) 
=134 Squadron Total cost

The Matchup

This may be our best matchup of the first round.  On one hand we have Captain Weather, who's fleet has aspects of JJ's World Champion 2016 list (Y-Wing spam, HWKx2, YT1300x2) but with a Wave 7 twist - taking a MC-75 and gearing it for defense.  Interestingly, he doesn't take Bomber Command Center, and takes a CR90A with Turbolaser Reroutes for more anti-ship capabilities.  He has no bid, but wins on both deployments and activations, letting him get his MC-75 to a good location for the fight.

Karneck managed to upset JJs in the POD round, winning all three games against some stiff competition, but ultimately lost out to JJ sweeping the rest of the POD.  He brings Admiral Sloane, an Ace spread of squadrons, and a very angry long range VSD that can swat flotilla from long range without even trying.  What he doesn't have is deployments, meaning his VSD might be out of position against the MC-75, but a lot of his point gain and strategy should involve leveraging his large number of squadrons.

I think Karneck has the advantage in the squadron game, and a better anti-flotilla platform in the VSD.  Without Relay, the flotillas will have to get into the thick of the fight to push the Y-Wings, which are a considerable activation count.  The question then becomes how much work the MC-75 can do on the VSD and Quasar, and how much pain his Y-Wings can cause while Sloane's squadrons hunt them down.

Biggs Bet:

I think for this matchup, I've got to give the advantage to Karneck.  Both players seem about equally matched in skill, but between a VSD built to kill transports and squadrons built to kill bomber wings, I don't see this going particularly well for Captain Weather.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry guys! Got sidetracked by a bright shiny object (Regionals Data Sheet rebuild). I'll get off my butt for the last one.
